Meet Our Assistant Pastor
Brother Matt Mcdaniel grew up in the home of a pastor and missionary and was saved at the age of eleven. "I had the privilege of growing up in a Christian home where parents regularly invested time in teaching my brothers and me the Bible. When I was 15, I surrendered to preach in a Sunday night service at New Manna. At 17 I surrendered my life to God on a Tuesday night at New Manna Youth Camp". After attending twelve years in Christian school, he graduated from New Manna Christian school and went on to receive his B.A. in Theology from Andersonville Baptist College.
In 2001, he began teaching at New Manna Christian School and in 2006, he became the Assistant Pastor at New Manna Baptist Church. He oversees our Sunday School Department and teaches the Producers Adult Bible Class. He has also served as a Bus Captain since 1999. Bro Matt was married in August 2002 to his wife Miranda and they have two children Micah and Madi.

The Producers
The Producers Adult Bible Class meets every Sunday at 10 am in the New Manna Christian School cafeteria. You'll find an exciting and friendly atmosphere waiting for you inside our class. Our desire for everyone who attends is that they are strengthened in their relationship with the Lord, challenged to get more involved in the work of our ministries, and equipped with a greater knowledge of the Word of God. We want to motivate you to be a productive Christian!
Every Sunday you can enjoy:
* Breakfast and coffee
* Fellowship
* A Spirit-filled atmosphere of singing and
teaching the Word of God.
Please come and join us!